My opinion has always been that the North Slope has it's very own Micro-Market (I think I just made that term up). The homes in the North Slope are a whole different animal in that, in addition to all of the features of a home and it's property that bring "value" to it, a HUGE majority of OUR homes posess "Historic Value." Depending on the condition of these homes, that "Historic Value" can be added or subtracted from a purchase price. It simply becomes yet another variable for comparing it to other homes. Unfortunately, it is not a recognized variable by MLS standards, or even most real estate agents. It's a sort of a secret club, if you will. The people with the knowlege and/or appreciation (members of the secret club, wink, wink)...see the value in these homes and gravitate toward these homes and areas. If you love these homes, areas, and all they represent, there is great value added. If you happen upon one of these homes (not a member of the secret club, LOL) and are comparing it to any other 3/BR 2/BA house....well....It will most likely produce apples and oranges in your mind.
Anyway...I found the following very interesting:
* We have 23 Active listings in the North Slope (13 of those are Condo's)
* The median price range for those active listings is $191,950
* The Average Days on Market for our Active listings is 181
* We have 4 properties that have gone pending since January 1
* The median price range for those pending properties is $224,900
* The Average Days on Market for the Pending listings is 77
* We've had 22 Properties in the North Slope sold since January (6 are Condo's)
* The median price range is $263,000
* The Average Days on Market for our Sold properties is 88
Labels: Historic Homes, Historic Tacoma, Homes for sale in Tacoma, North Tacoma
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