I work many of the Pierce County areas and I have always had an interest in homes and architecture of ALL styles, but I have a special appreciation for the “Grand Ol’ Victorian,” “Warm, Cottage Craftsman,” “Shotgun” and “North End Bungalow,” not to mention, our beautiful Neo-Classical homes. Our historic area is a wonderful mixture of eclectic history. The value of working with someone with a real love of the area in which you live is immeasurable.

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Location: Tacoma, Washington, United States

University level Track and field Coach. Retired from Real Estate in November of 2011. Agent for Windermere Professional Partners in Tacoma,Washington for 6 years. I specialize in the North End Historic District but, I love all kinds of architecture. I am also a Track Coach at Pacific Lutheran University.

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Let's talk for a moment about a couple of new contracting companies that have come on the scene in Tacoma just recently. I have two stories to tell to describe the quality of work that these contractors do. The first story is called "VIOLA!"

That's the word that I think of when I see the before and after pictures of the property at 516 N "J" Street


The eyesore of the neighborhood get's a make-over by "Ovation Properties" and the neighbors are so excited about it that they even bring bottled water and occasional cookies over to the crew on the job. What a gorgeous home that dilapidated dump turned out to be after the incredible expertise and workmanship of the OP crew. Their two part motto of "Fair Bids" and "On Time" have proven to serve them well. Not to mention that their finished products are incredible!

Well...are you ready for the ugly duckling story? This is yet another account of an old historic WRECK of a house (the ugly duckling) in our historic district, that someone (namely Dave and Josie) fell in love with and totally and miraculously transformed in to a "Beautiful Swan." for our North Slope Dave, Josie and their son, Dylan, are living in the home instead of just flipping it because guess what?... That makes us neighbors! Doubly (is that a word?) lucky is the fact that Dave has decided to do this type of work for a living! That would be Sound Construction. He's already working on another North Slope project.

You probably know the house; it sits on the corner of 5th and "I" Street. It spent many years crumbling and cowering under the overgrowth of the bushes and trees that surrounded it, and the porch columns supporting the second floor had begun to give way creating injury to everything above them.

Back in the day this home had been grand, I'm sure, but when Dave & Josie got hold of it...well...I'm certain that it had never been so grand as it is now, and all in the name of historic preservation. Bravo Sound Construction!

So check out this before and after slide show of the "Ugly Duckling" house. It's amazing!

Link to Sound Construction I Street Project

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Monday, March 17, 2008


FINALLY! Is all I can think of to say about this amazing Historic Tudor on "I" Street. Built in 1903 for A.J. Rhodes by the great architect, Ambrose Russell, this poor house has basically been treated like an abandon child who's been bounced from foster home to foster home. Since it's initial sale, a little over a year ago, to an investor who's intention was to flip it and make some money, it has become so dishevelled and abused that the original owners find it hard to drive by it.

Let me tell you about the original owners. We'll call them C and M. C and M left their home a little over a year ago after living there for a jillion years. They are an elderly couple who were fastidious about the maintenance and upkeep of the place. M grew up in that house; it was her childhood home, so you can only imagine how much it meant to her. The young couple with baby that came to purchase the home, said they wanted to raise their kids there and that they loved it. C and M couldn't have been happier that a family would be living in the home. Ha! Mr. Buyer had only one intention and that was to flip it. Apparently his other finished flippers, did not sell, the market took a dive and his other properties went in to bankruptcy, and no longer had the financial potential to turn this house. So...after 6 months, back on the market it went. Problem was, he was trying to get $200,000 more for it than he had paid. WHAT THE MONKEY!!!

Basically, he couldn't sell it; it went in to foreclosure, went to auction and is bank owned now.

WELL NOT FOR LONG! I just sold it to a wonderful family with 3 little girls, who love the house and only want to make cosmetic changes. They are so excited about it that they can hardly stand themselves! I am so excited because this home is one of our most distinctive historic homes, and it deserves some love and affection. Let's hear it for TLC!

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