You don't need a fortune teller to predict what the Real Estate market will do in 2007. There are some pretty smart analysts around this country that speak on the trends of the market and how different areas dictate the ebb and flow of real estate to come. Of course, no one can predict the future with complete certainty; however, there are people who chart the market and can determine with some certainty, the trends based on the historical patterns.
I just read an article in Business Week (http://realestate.msn.com/Improve/Article_busweek.aspx?cp-documentid=1699105&wa=wsignin1.0) that really made sense to me. It can get really confusing when you're talking about the "increase in the decline" and the "decrease in the incline" etc. So read up and be your own judge of which trends in the market apply to you and your area.
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